

WA News

2024 Rally

The 2024 WA State Rally (West Coast Rally) will be held in Nanson and the Rally Manager Mike Kendrick has been busy sourcing seminar speakers and tour sites.

CMCA West Coast Rally 2023 Report

CMCA West Coast Rally 11-16 October 2023

Wagin WA was chosen after many months of trying to find an alternative venue after the original proved unsuitable due to size and cost and no powered sites after they were promised.

Wagin proved to be an excellent venue with over 60 powered sites and all close to water, amenities, and the buildings being used.

With a larger number of registrations expected this would have easily accommodated 150-200 without using the larger building and parking smaller MH on the oval.

A limited number of Volunteers arrived to help set up over the two days prior to the start of the rally, with most doing two or three jobs. It was difficult to get volunteers this year due to the small numbers attending the Rally.


Attendance 72           Vehicles  48            Dogs  9

Interstate    2             First Timers  16      Cats    1


Chapter breakdown

Golden Whistlers  11    Willy Wagtails           9     Batavians                7

Sandgropers         2     Western Rovers         8     Rainbow Ramblers  2

Cassowarys          2     Highway Wanderers  2      Non-Chapter          23

The 15 Volunteers put in a tremendous effort for such a small group of people. Rally Manager, Margaret Hayter, and her team, were outstanding. The Golden Whistlers ensured the events programmed were well organised and fun. We also provided the treasurer/Bus driver, and most of the seminars. Tours were interesting and well patronized.

The Western Willy Wagtails ran a lunch time $5 Kitchen which was very popular, with soups, toasted sandwiches, and small meals. The Batavians manned the Site Team with the help from some of the others, also helping where needed for other things. All volunteers worked hard to make the rally successful. We also had one lady from each of the three chapters doing craft sessions.

While this was a small Rally, it was very friendly and lots of fun. Entertainment was first class with 2 local bands. Three tours were well supported with the Winery requiring me to use my vehicle to take the extras that wouldn’t fit on the bus. The trip to Belmont Park Marino Stud took 2 bus loads and this was talked about quite a lot as being very interesting. The Historic Village was enjoyed by those that went.

The highlight of the rally was our Dinner Dance with everyone dressed or dressed up for the Black Friday Theme. Meals were supplied by a local caterer and enjoyed by all, and the band kept us dancing till late. I think it was about 11.45 by the time I locked up.

The weekend was reserved for games with a Mini-Olympics played on Saturday and a game of Cricket played on Sunday with lots of laughs and fun, no serious competition. Disc Bowls and Ladder Golf was available to play during the rally, along with cards and puzzles.

It was very apparent from comments that it was the friendliest and most fun rally so far. A few new ideas were tried and will be added to the next rally.

At the end of the rally, we have again made a small profit. It was decided to put this money towards the purchase of a mike and speaker for use when we need to do information during the day and at night when we don’t have entertainers. This will happen over the year during sale times to get the best value for money.

Without the support of WA members in future the Board of the CMCA will think seriously about allowing the Rallies to continue.


Margaret Cook

Secretary/WA State Rep