

Volunteers Information

Job Descriptions

Below you will find a brief description of volunteer jobs required at the Rally. You will need to be fit and able to perform some of these over a prolonged period of time.

Each of these teams require a coordinator to ensure everything runs smoothly. If you think you have the skills and temperament to work with a diverse group of people please contact us.

If you are unsure of a job and want more information please contact the Rally Secretary at cmca.westcoast.rally@gmail.com.

Site Team.

The siting team is responsible for laying out and allocating the sites for vehicles at a rally. The initial site plan should be completed well before the beginning of the rally. The siting team will need to be onsite 2-3 days prior to the first volunteer entry day to mark out the sites as per the site map. This will entail some bending to mark out the sites.

On entry days the site team with the help of the Maintenance team will direct members to their appropriate site and ensure they park as directed.

Maintenance Team

Maintenance volunteers are required for rally set-up, during and after the event. The volunteers need to have a reasonable level of fitness and health conditions, need to be able to work up to eight hours, walk a reasonable distance carrying a load and walk up to 10kms a day. They need to be able to work in varying environments, work as a team member, understand and follow instructions and diplomatically deal with rally attendees problems. 

Volunteers will also be required to assist the Site team on entry day.

Maintaining Showers and Toilets 

The cleaning team is responsible for the general cleanliness of the site amenities. Ie. no paper on floors

The amenities must be maintained at a standard of cleanliness such that it poses no risk to the health and safety of members using the amenities.

There must always be sufficient toilet paper, soap and paper towels, and to ensure that the facilities are maintained for member personal hygiene.

A contract cleaner will be employed to clean daily. 


The catering team is required to provide volunteer lunches, prior to and during the rally. Provide Morning Tea daily for all members. Provide or obtain caterer for functions (Friday or Saturday) Possible Farwell breakfast. The team will also need to clean up post rally. Volunteers must adhere to high standards of hygiene and cleanliness. Where required by state or local regulations, food handling certification must be adhered to.

The volunteers need to be able to work as part of a team, have good personal appearance and the ability to deal with the public and other members.

First Aid

The First Aid team is responsible for administering first aid to members, volunteers and visitors at the rally site. First Aid volunteers are required to hold relevant and current certification to perform first aid. Copies of certifications are to be filed with the Rally Manager and/or Secretary.

A First Aid room is required and stocked with sufficient supplies.

First Aid volunteers must maintain patient confidentiality and are likely to be required to work on call overnight and potentially long shifts.



The entertainment team will be responsible for setting up the entertainment venue and possibly the poet’s breakfast area for performers and meetings. A volunteer with sound equipment skills also is very valuable. Sourcing entertainers, speakers and workshops. The rally manager is responsible for booking the entertainment for the event.


The activities team may be responsible for the running of events such as , craft classes, disc bowls, poet’s breakfast, men’s and ladies’ sheds, along with any other activities members may enjoy at a rally. Volunteers overseeing each activity should have knowledge on that subject and good training skills. 

Administration/Rally Office

The administration team is made up of differing roles, including information, secretarial duties and assisting the rally manager.

Information volunteers will provide details of the event to members, book tours and must have a knowledge of the programme and the site.

Rally office volunteers will conduct any administrative tasks required by the rally manager. They will need to be computer literate and have the ability to operate office machinery. They will have excellent communication skills, money handling skills, good customer service skills and be a team player.


  The transport team will organise the scheduling of internal and external buses for members. All bus drivers require the appropriate heavy vehicle class license, depending on size of buses to be used.  A check should also be made as to whether bus endorsement licences are required or not.  Drivers must be aware of the zero-alcohol limit when on duty. Copies of the appropriate licenses are to be filed with the rally manager and/or secretary.


Arrival Gate & Meet & Greet Teams

Arrival Gate Team:

The team is responsible for ensuring Window Cards are correct and filed in order. Members of this team will greet members as they arrive and hand them a Window Card and Rally Bag and tick them off the list. instruct the member to move to the parking team. Must be familiar with the use of UHF radios and be able to speak clearly.

Meet & Greet Team:

A team member will be stationed in an area and once a vehicle is sited they will mark the Window Card with the site number and return them in batches to the Rally Office. Answer any questions or direct members to the Main Building for Tea & Coffee, point out the shower/toilet block or nearest water taps are.

Members of this team may be required to act as hosts for VIPs at functions.